Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 3, 2012 19:42:49 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------Being the hero of the world was hard work. Even now, in the halls of the New World Academy, Alfred F. Jones was embroiled in a battle that might decide the fate of the Earth!
...or, you know, whether he'd get to the next level in Angry Birds or not.
He was at the New World Academy on a mission, but thus far there hadn't been much to the mission. Right now, Alfred was simply playing the part of the observer, and Alfred hated being an observer. He wanted action. He wanted adventure. He wanted...
The last damn pig in this level of Angry Birds to die already!
Needless to say, Alfred was bored, and starting to get a bit restless at his post at the academy. Sometimes Alfred wondered if Obama sent him to the academy with the set purpose of getting Alfred out of his hair for a while. It was only a fleeting though, but it was there nonetheless, and when it did crop up it drove Alfred nuts.
He also hated that he had yet to see anyone's abilities. Here he was at a school that seemed like it was right out of a comic book, and he hadn't seen anyone show off their powers yet! Then again, he hadn't exactly shown off his super strength either, but he was told to keep that bit on the downlow, at least at first, to wait to see what the norm was at the academy. But so far he hadn't seen anything, which was kind of lame. What was the point of being at a school full of superheroes if he couldn't actually see any of their superheroics?
Alfred sighed, restarting his level in the game, when a chill went down his spine. His gaze shot upward at once. Why did it feel like someone was watching him? And where the hell were they? ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 322 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: This song always reminded me of the Cold War...and the blank face bit reminds me of Ivan. Fitting, no? XD [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jun 6, 2012 18:26:23 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there Ivan was not entirely sure why he was at the academy other than to just irritate the potential other countries or try and make friends. His motives were unclear to him as of yet and figured he could decide upon them later. Besides, his country was all sorts of fucked up and there wasn’t exactly much he could do to fix it. Might as well just let them try and fight it out amongst themselves. Besides, maybe he could possibly hide from his crazy sisters here as well. Seeing as one thought it would be a great idea to marry him, and she was terrifying so he wanted no parts of that. He would go far as to say that the perception of her compared to him was far darker.
Either way though he was walking about and spotted a certain other country that was fun to poke at. Why? Well, he wasn’t sure but it was great to just mess with him by appearing randomly. He saw him sit straight up and smiled before making sure he was out of view around the corner. He could tell that Alfred knew someone was watching, and wondered how long he could drag it out. He was teleporting about and waiting until Alfred would start to possibly look around before vanishing again. Why? It was just damn amusing confusing him and maybe his head would just explode or something. Besides, he couldn’t imagine Alfred was able to concentrate on his game very well if he was trying to follow a teleporting Ivan around.
He should probably stop screwing with him at some point, and so he decided to just appear in front of Alfred. Become one with mother Russia, da?” he said simply with a smile on his face. Now, the question was…what sort of reaction would he be getting? Hopefully Alfred would scream and flail or something, that would be filled with fun after all.
-------------- words: 324 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: I needed fewds to finish this XD
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 7, 2012 1:24:04 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------There was no way that Alfred could ignore it. He felt a presence around him, and it wasn't a pleasant one. His eyes darted behind him, and he saw nothing. He wondered if perhaps he should move from his spot. Though he'd never admit it, he had a lingering fear of ghosts from stories Arthur had told him in his childhood, and a strange presence that he couldn't see certainly seemed to lend to the theory that he might be dealing with a ghost.
Though he did try to ignore it at first. He was comfortable where he was, and he didn't see the point in moving if it was just a fleeting feeling. He'd just finished another level of Angry Birds when the feeling returned.
He definitely wasn't imagining things. There was something else in this hallway with him, a dark and looming presence that would send chills down anyone's spine. Alfred couldn't quite explain the slight feeling of dread that persisted. He just knew that he didn't like it, and he didn't plan to stick around this hallway any longer.
When Alfred finally looked back ahead, about to leave the hallway, he discovered that he was indeed, very much not alone, and that said looming presence was now standing directly in front of him.
Asking him to become one with Russia.
Alfred had to bite down on his lip to keep from crying out in surprise. He had a tough guy reputation that he wanted to uphold, and he couldn't very well uphold it if he screamed at the top of his lungs because Russia appeared in front of him in a hallway. Though, to be fair, Russia creeped out damn near everyone. He was not a guy you wanted to run into alone in a dark alley. The Baltic states were still absolutely terrified of the guy.
Instead, all that came from Alfred was a grunt of surprise, along with a slight jolt of his body and a raised eyebrow as he processed what Ivan was saying to him. "...no."
[/color] Alfred responded warily. Seriously, what the hell? There he was, minding his own business and playing some Angry Birds in a hallway, and Ivan just appeared and asked him to become one with Russia? How freaking weird was that? "That didn't work out very well the first time, did it?"[/color] Alright, so maybe Al could have gone about that a bit more...shall we say, tactfully, but it was true. The Soviet Union fell. Being one with Russia obviously didn't offer that many advantages. Plus, since when did Alfred possess an overwhelming amount of tact? Plus Alfred still didn't trust Ivan very well. Several decades of pointing nukes at each other and saying 'you first' will do that to a relationship...[/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 482 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: Your lyrics instantly made me think of Belarus. I don't know why. Probably the 'her country' bit. XD [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jun 11, 2012 20:26:19 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there He could tell that the other country was getting very uncomfortable and was wondering what was going to be done about it actually. It would seem though that he was just going to leave, and well he couldn’t quite have that. So thus he appeared in front of him with a question. He saw the bite of his lip and heard a grunt of surprised and just smiled at the country in front of him. The response was not what he was hoping for though. Really what did he really expect? The only person that would agree to that would be Belarus and the girl was crazy and scared him. She was the one that wanted him to join her and well that wasn’t happening as far as he was concerned. Thus he would ask the other countries and then hide from his sister behind them. Seemed like a great plan right? Besides, all she would do was claw or bite them right? They would be fine. Just a little scarred for life maybe. No big deal right?
Anyway though then Alfred gave a different response and Ivan couldn’t help but to give him a death glare. Now, that was quite impolite of him to point out and all. Thus he gave him a stare that he usually reserved for situations like this. Like when one of the Baltics called his outfits tacky. That was rather rude after all, and it wasn’t quite as rude as what Alfred said, but the stare should work just as well right? Ah well, he could do worse after all. Could just get out his axe or a pipe and start beating him with it. That wouldn’t exactly solve much though being that then he would go to jail for assault or some nonsense. Then while they kept him he wouldn’t age and thus raise questions about what he was. Which, was a country and thus there would be a serious issue with him growing old and dying or some nonsense. What did that say for the country then? Though, in the defense of the police he was kind of messed up in the head because his country has been such a mess. Ah well, nothing he could really do about it. His boss, or bosses, depending on the time frame would have to sort that nonsense out on their own. Maybe that was why he was here so that he didn’t influence their decisions with his creepiness or something. Anyway though, he had an America in front of him that he had to entertain himself with. ”That’s very impolite. ” he said simply.
-------------- words: 454 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: let the insults begin?
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 12, 2012 0:05:05 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------A death glare. This was what Alfred received in return for his comment toward Russia. Someone was a sore loser. And the fact that a small smirk came across Alfred's face at the glare probably didn't help matters any.
Well, it was true, wasn't it? Sure, it was rubbing salt on an old wound, and to be honest, Alfred realized that to some extent. Ivan was supposed to be somewhat of an ally now, but he couldn't deny that there were still hard feelings. He also couldn't deny that he was damn proud of the fact that he'd won the Cold War.
Most importantly? The question honestly bothered Alfred. Russia was strange, so it was hard to know what he was doing, but asking others to become one with Russia was what created the Soviet Union in the first place. So maybe Russia was just being a creeper per usual...or maybe there was something more sinister going on. If it was the latter, Alfred very much wanted to remind Ivan of what happened the last time he tried that funny business. If it was the former? ...well, it was still creepy, dammit!
His eyebrow went up when Russia spoke once more. "So's sneaking up on someone."
[/color] Maybe Alfred had been a bit snappy, but he might have been more cordial if Russia hadn't just appeared in front of him like that. It had given him quite a fright, even if he didn't want to show it. Instead, he met Russia's eyes, waiting to see what the other nation had to say next. Not only that, but he folded his arms across his chest in a defensive gesture, as if to say 'bring it on, big guy'. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 300 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: Let us point all our guns at the USA! XD [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jun 13, 2012 18:11:39 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there The death glare was not due to being a sore loser; it was due to Alfred making a horribly rude comment. How was he supposed to know all those countries together would cause a huge issue and just explode all over the place? He figured it would work because then everyone could he happy, but no, Communism did not work that way due to people being greedy. It really was an ideal, but then again wasn’t Capitalism the same? Was Alfred really any better than him? After all, the other country really did have a thing for screwing around with other countries where he saw fit. Even if it was really none of his business, actually that was especially true. Ah well, maybe once he was older he would calm down a little. He was hoping, otherwise he was going to create a huge mess that he wouldn’t be able to dig himself out of. Maybe he would point and laugh at that point, or maybe he would actually offer to help. Depended on which nations he annoyed actually.
Hearing the statement that sneaking up on someone was rude he just shrugged. ”Not quite as rude as pointing out the falling apart of a nation. You don’t see me going and pointing about your disasters do you?” he noted with a raised eyebrow. Well, it was true wasn’t it? After all, that was typically something that you didn’t just bring up and mention. Some people were touchy about the horrible things that happened in their past. Ivan accepted that it happened, but that did not mean he was fine with America dragging it out and making fun of it. He could always point out America’s Civil War or 9/11, things that drastically damaged the country and point out how it was a flaw, but he had better things to do.
The problem now was that he was bored and wondered if the other country would be up for some sort of challenge. ”So Alfred…..you up for a drinking game challenge?” he asked with a slightly unnerving grin. This could be horribly fun, after all what was more fun than getting smashed and screaming at horror movies? Well, maybe taking a pick axe to a wall, but that was irrelevant at the moment. Besides, this could be awesome and end up with them getting along for once. That would be nice even if it was only for a few hours. He was getting bored with pointless arguments that tended to happen often between them. Ever since the Cold War that was all that they seemed to do, and it could only be interesting for so long.
-------------- words: 470 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: typing this during that nonsense was hard XD
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 14, 2012 11:24:47 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------Perhaps the most unfortunate part was that Alfred didn't see it as meddling at all. He saw it as offering his help where it was needed. That was what heroes did, right? They saved the day, and people liked them for it. Right?
The major problem was that, being what he was, Alfred was predisposed to act his physical age rather than his actual age. This wasn't actually a problem until one took into consideration Alfred's position in the world. He could be mature when he wanted to be, but the fact did remain that he had the mental maturity of nineteen year old in a position of great power. He was currently the number one superpower in the world, and there were inherent problems with letting someone young and inexperienced into such a powerful position. That said, he wasn't doing too terribly considering (the world hadn't been blown to smithereens yet!), but he certainly did still have a lot to learn.
Even Alfred realized he'd gone a tad too far when Russia brought up disasters. That comment did hit home. He was fully aware of just how upset he tended to get when people brought up memories of his Civil War, but honestly, in the heat of the moment, he hadn't placed it on a par with the fall of the Soviet Union. But in the end, it was just as bad, wasn't it? "I...I guess I went a bit too far on that one."
[/color] Alfred admitted. It was the closest thing Russia was probably going to get to an apology, but at least Alfred was admitting that he'd overstepped his bounds. He really did feel bad, but full out apologizing? To Russia? Nah...that wasn't something he was ready for just yet. At least he was making some strides. Needless to say, he was surprised when Russia proposed a truce of sorts. Well, not exactly a truce. It was a drinking challenge, to be exact, but where these two were concerned? It was a truce, and Alfred was willing to take the opportunity. It was better than letting things get more heated. Even if Russia's grin was a tad on the creepy side... "Sure, why not? Under what conditions?"[/color] Drinking games usually accompanied another activity, after all, and Alfred was curious as to what Ivan had in mind. Regardless, he was pretty sure that he was going to win. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 418 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: This can't possibly end badly... =P [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jun 14, 2012 22:37:09 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there Yes, America had definitely gone too far when he mentioned the falling apart of his nation. It was something that didn’t really bother him like it would someone who was sane, but it just felt like emptiness in his house. Was probably part of the reason he decided to come here. It wasn’t possible to live alone and it would be like back when the Soviet Union was still together. Though he didn’t have a roommate at the moment, and chances were they would probably hold some fear of him, it didn’t bother him too much. That was how it was back home anyway so what was the difference? Well, the difference was that he would probably end up rooming with a human rather than another nation so he probably couldn’t be rough with them at all. Most humans would not survive as a drinking partner for him or even if he patted them on the head like he had done with that short Baltic nation. Ah well, just them being there would be an improvement to being in an empty house. Sure he could always invite Belarus over, but then she would try to marry him and attach herself to him and he was not interested in that at all.
The real question was what now? He could probably always kidnap a few nations, but that would be frowned upon more than likely. Could do it anyway, after all who was going to stop him? His General Winter would beat the daylights out of anyone that really tried. He was sure Alfred would try, but that could just be amusing to watch. He would be leaving this thought for another time though because he had a suggestion to give. A certainly fun one and hey could the other nation pass up a challenge ever? It didn’t seem very likely so he figured he would take it. Was probably a weird request coming from someone that didn’t necessarily get along with the other country, but hey they could have a truce for a few hours right? No harm in that. Now, what was Alfred’s response to his challenge?
Then he heard the other country ask what the conditions of the game were and continued to smile. ”Horror movies. Every time someone screams we take a shot. Sound good?” he asked despite hearing from Japan about the whole screaming thing Alfred did while watching horror movies. That would be hilarious to watch after all, but he did suppose they could always pick movies that weren’t really scary. Though, there weren’t exactly any movies that Russia thought were scary. He was more amused by them than anything else. That probably had something to do with his mental state though rather than actually liking them or something along those lines. Besides, it was a truce and a challenge of sorts towards the other country. He wasn’t really up for arguing at the moment because it was just boring to him when they had no huge reason to argue about. He was definitely up for drinking though and drinking alone was a little boring. Thus why not drink with someone who was once your enemy? Seemed like a great idea, and nothing could possibly go wrong with that right?
-------------- words: 570 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: I deff typed this backwards....
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 16, 2012 0:10:13 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------Well yes, of course Alfred would do something if Russia tried to kidnap other countries against their will. That was kind of a bad thing to do, and very reminiscent of the Soviet Union. They might not be on the best terms even now, but Alfred would definitely prefer not to go back to those days. As much fun as it was to goad Russia on, the Cold War had really given him a headache when it came down to it.
So yes, this truce was fine by him. He wasn't about to call Russia a friend of his, but there was one feature about this so-called truce in particular that lured Alfred in, other than the fact that he didn't really want things to escalate into another arms race in the middle of a boarding school in Canada - It was a competition. It was hard to fall out of old habits, and Alfred wanted to prove he could hold his liquor better than Ivan. He wanted to prove he could do everything better than Ivan. It might be a friendly competition, but it was still a competition, and Alfred wanted to win.
Oh, he'd certainly score tonight alright.
Alfred's confident grin slipped slightly when Russia revealed what the terms of the contest were. Watching horror movies. Alright. He could do this. It wasn't like he was afraid of scary movies or anything. It was just that when things jumped out it surprised him, that was all. He definitely wasn't scared. He especially wasn't scared of watching scary movies with Russia. Or so he kept telling himself.
"Sounds great to me! I have a few movies in the room I'm staying in, actually, if you want to head back there."
[/color] He was inviting Russia into his dorm? What was this, the end of the world? Not exactly. More that Alfred didn't want to watch scary movies in a completely unfamiliar place, especially not a place that belonged to Russia. In addition? Back at his place, Alfred would have more control over what they watched. This meant that he could pick movies that he'd already seen, that were less likely to make him jump out of his skin. It seemed like the best plan to go with. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 418 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: This can't possibly end badly... =P [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jun 21, 2012 20:18:07 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there Maybe he would kidnap other nations against their will just because it would be hilarious to see the reactions he would get. He would have to find nations other than America though, because that would vaguely defeat the purpose of it. Anyway, he had other things to deal with at the moment. Like this truce of some sorts that he was going to be having with the other country. It would only last for a few hours, but at least it was something. Gave him someone that he could actually talk to being that he couldn’t exactly tell the humans about what he really was. They probably wouldn’t be friends after, or ever for that matter. The cold war probably destroyed that in all sorts of ways, but they could at least agree every so often. Maybe more time would let them be friends, but he was doubtful of that. After all, It was Alfred, and he was pretty sure he creeped him out most of the time. Anyway though, now the terms of the truce had to be talked about. Being that he had to make the other country actually agree to it.
Anyway though, he was waiting for a reply about his proposal for the drinking contest. Seemed that Alfred was agreeing to it to, and he seemed somewhat excited about it. Hell he was even inviting him back to his dorm. If that was the case then he was really getting into this truce, and that was fine with Russia. That was the point after all wasn’t it? ”Alright, shall we go then?” he asked with a smile. Sure the fact that it was Alfred’s place left him drinking in an unknown location, but such did not really phase him all that much. What was the worst that could happen after all? He was pretty sure his dorm was right next to the other country’s so he could just teleport through the wall if needed.
Thus he was perfectly alright with drinking in a vaguely unfamiliar place. How different could it really be from his dorm layout wise? ”We will just have to stop at my dorm for the vodka, and I’m assuming you own shot glasses, but if not we can grab those too.” he said with a grin. He was then waiting for the answer to that statement along with if they were going to go up now, or if they were going to twiddle their thumbs a little longer or something.
-------------- words: 437 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: meeeer.
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 22, 2012 0:06:18 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------If Alfred knew what Ivan was considering at that very moment, he'd definitely be sure to keep a close eye on the other country. As it stood, they were already at a very shaky truce, but a truce nonetheless. Knowing what Ivan was thinking would probably ruin that in an instant.
The younger nation couldn't help but note that Russia was awfully eager to get this drinking contest on the road. Not that he wasn't. He was happy to keep things peaceful, but hey, a competition was a competition, and that seemed to be how things worked for he and Russia ever since the Cold War. The Cold War was technically over, of course, but that didn't mean that their competitive nature toward each other had completely dissipated.
"Sure, let's go on up."
[/color] Alfred stated before starting to walk down the hallway. He hummed the theme song for Captain Planet as he walked, waiting for Russia to pipe up with something else. And, of course, he did. "Yep, I have shot glasses in my room, so we don't need to worry about that."[/color] This was a college, after all. Who didn't have shot glasses in their room at college? Alfred had to admit that he was fine with Russia supplying the vodka, though, since he was supplying pretty much everything else. It was only fair. All's fair in love and nuclear war? Nah, that didn't sound right. When the two reached Alfred's dormitory, Alfred nodded to his rival. "You go on and get the vodka, I'll leave the door unlocked."[/color] It felt strange saying this, almost as if he were inviting trouble into his very living quarters. This was Russia after all. But he'd be damned if he was going to turn down any sort of challenge against him. Well, other than nuclear warfare. The end result of mutually assured destruction wasn't exactly promising. Shrugging that aside, Alfred kicked off his shoes as he entered the dormitory, trying to get everything ready. TV? Check. Shot glasses? Check. Scary movies? Check. Now he just had to wait for Russia and the vodka. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 374 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: I'm having a really hard time staying away from nuclear war references. I blame your sig. XD [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jun 28, 2012 15:43:30 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there As it was, he was glad that Alfred wasn’t a mind reader because he was pretty sure he would be stalked or something for what he was thinking about. Not his fault he just wanted company, and he didn’t even currently have a roommate. This did not help the situation any either, but for now he was dropping the thought in favor of something else. Like the drinking contest they were going to have, because he wanted vodka, and this seemed like a good reason to drink it. Alright, so maybe he was slightly an alcoholic, but it wasn’t as if it could really do anything to him. He was a nation, and thus even if he drank ridiculous amounts he would still be perfectly fine and not get alcohol poisoning from it. Anyway, he usually just drank all day, but he was pretty sure that was frowned upon at a school, so he did try to contain it to just in his room instead of just carrying a bottle around with him or something. Besides, the school might try to send him to AA meetings or something, and he couldn’t exactly say why his drinking wasn’t a problem. Apparently it was always a problem no matter what the reason behind it, so he would just hide it the best he could and was glad he at least had a fake id that said he was over nineteen. Thus it was less of a problem, and besides he didn’t exactly look like a teenager anymore either. Thus he could technically get away with it if there were no rules against having it in your room. Which, there might be, but he didn’t particularly care. Could always hide it before a room inspection or hell, drink it before then. Either one would work just fine he was sure, it wasn’t as if they inspected every inch of the place if they even did them in the first place.
Hearing Alfred’s agreement he gave a grin and then listened to the other nation hum a song of some sort that he didn’t recognize. Was probably an American thing anyway so maybe he didn’t even want to recognize it? Either way he mostly ignored it until he asked about shot glasses. Hey, it was a reasonable question being that he was pretty sure that the other country drank beer most of the time and not hard liquor, but maybe his roommate did? Either way, it seemed he had the glasses and Russia just nodded in response. What other reply did he really even need anyway? Not like it was left open for any other statement, and so the rest of the way there was pretty much quiet other than the humming. He was perfectly fine with that though being that he didn’t really like loud that much. This, he knew, was weird considering who he picked to drink with. America was probably the loudest of the nations, and probably took pride in that, what a weirdo. Anyway, he was charged to go find vodka, and that he would do. Now, how many bottles would he be grabbing?
”I will be right back then.” he stated before wandering over to his dorm which was directly next to Alfred’s. Now, where did Ivan put his vodka this time? He tended to switch it up occasionally out of laziness, and now had to remember where it was placed. Really, it wasn’t too hard to find, but carrying it all over was another matter. He idly wondered if Alfred would notice if he just teleported them over or something. Eh, that might freak him out a bit so he just grabbed a few bags and filled them with bottles before wandering over to the other’s apartment. He shut the door behind him and wandered over to the couch to set the bottles down before flopping himself on said couch. ”Which movie first?” he asked seeing as Alfred was apparently picking the movies.
-------------- words: 687 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: meeeer.
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jun 29, 2012 23:14:47 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------It was one thing to want company. That was something that Alfred could understand. It was another to take countries against their will and force them to live with you. Anyway, that was all behind them, right? Ivan had seen the light and wasn't going to try to make a Soviet Union 2.0? Again, if Alfred saw Ivan's thoughts at this point in time, there was a good chance that the Cold War might be ignited by a spark once more.
Alfred was not a big fan of quiet. It actually made him a little antsy (especially as he walked aside Russia), hence the humming.
It wasn't long before the two of them reached their dorms and entered their respective ones. Ivan still had to pick up the vodka, and Alfred needed to pick out a movie after he had everything else set up. He grabbed a few DVDs from a pile on top of the DVD player, looking to see if there was anything worth watching in there. His gaze stopped on the bottom DVD. "Paranormal activity? That one looks interesting..."
[/color] Alfred grinned, placing the DVD into the player and waiting for Ivan to arrive with the beverages. He nearly dropped the remote when he saw that the other nation arrived with bags of liquor. "Least we won't run out any time soon!"[/color] Alfred stated in his usual cheerful voice, watching as Russia plopped down next to him on the couch. "Already picked it out! We're watching Paranormal Activity!"[/color] Though Alfred still wore the same confident grin on his face, if Ivan looked close enough he'd note that the younger nation was gripping the pillow next to him awfully tight as he pressed down the play button on the remote. The movie, of course, started out slow, but as the suspense began to build, Alfred gripped at his pillow tighter. When the first scream finally came, Alfred emitted an almost strangled sounding grunt along with it. Said grunt would have very much turned into a scream had Alfred not bitten down on his lip to keep himself from crying out. He was not scared, dammit! Finally remembering to pause the movie, Alfred took out two shot glasses, handing one to Ivan. He grabbed one of the bottles of vodka (with a label that he could not read...a quick second glance into the same bag showed that all of the labels were in Russian) and undid the top, pouring a shot's worth of vodka into each shot glass before setting the opened bottle back down. Then he held out his glass for a toast. "Let's play global thermonuclear war, Russia."[/color] With a smirk, Alfred tossed back his first shot. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 476 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: Oh hey look, another reference to nuclear war! ...and I actually looked up Russian vodka when I was typing this post. Just to let you know. XD [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]
Ivan Russia Braginski
Become one with Mother Russia :3 graphics by Jez-e <3
Posts: 45
Post by Ivan Russia Braginski on Jul 1, 2012 15:06:08 GMT -5
She's scared that I will take her away from there Her dreams that her country left with no one there They reached the dorms and now Russia had to get the vodka. Thus he went in search of it at his dorm room and once he found it he loaded some bags and decided to wander over. He really did have a lot of vodka, but hey he knew he could drink a lot, and doubted Alfred would be allowing Russia to outdrink him. That probably meant that Alfred would end up far more drunk, but either way it would at least be some form of amusement for the next few hours being that they were planning on going through several horror movies. He wondered how many it would be until they got plastered and stopped remembering what happened. Usually Ivan was pretty good about it, but it would definitely depend on how much he was going to be drinking. A bottle or so wouldn’t do anything, but more than that he would start getting tipsy.
Anyway, he returned with the liquor and heard Alfred’s response. ”This is a good point. We should have enough for several movies that is for sure.” he stated with a slight smile. Being that they would drink it in intervals of shots instead of intervals of bottles or something. Though, that could be far more interesting. Either way it wouldn’t matter because they would end up horribly smashed eventually. Then he heard that Alfred had already picked out the movie and found it was one he hadn’t heard of. Though, to be fair, he didn’t often watch American movies so that was reasonable. He wondered if it was even scary, but then again did anything really scare Russia? He would probably find it more amusing than anything else. He noted the confident looking grin on the other country’s face, but then noted how he was gripping a pillow and decided to focus on the movie instead of pointing it out. Besides, the fact that Alfred agreed in the first place was slightly amazing, might as well not ruin it by making fun of him because then he would be stuck drinking alone.
He watched the movie a little bored and wondering what the point was at first. It seemed to be some ghost movie or something and he wondered why Alfred was slightly spooked. Hearing the first scream he blinked and noted there were two different ones. ”Did you scream too? That means two shots.” he noted simply with a bit of a grin. The movie was paused and the shots were poured from one of the top label bottles. All he did was drink the good stuff being that it was his country’s drink of choice. They made it so clearly they would also have the best. Anyway though he had his glass and watched as Alfred held out his glass in a form of cheers. The statement that went along with it though made him laugh slightly. ”That’s one way to put it.” he noted with a clink of the glass and then they both knocked back their first shots.
-------------- words:529 tag: Alfred/ Mandee note: roars
Post by Alfred Franklin Jones on Jul 2, 2012 0:29:08 GMT -5
[/color][/font] ----------------------------------What Alfred wasn't taking into consideration in his haste to try and beat Russia at his own game was that the odds were definitely in Ivan's favor for this competition. Physically, Ivan was at at advantage. His physical age could easily be placed in his 20s, while Alfred pegged his own physical age at around 19. In addition, though Alfred was no novice drinker himself, he certainly didn't plow down vodka the way that Russia did. Ivan practically drank the stuff as water! Alfred didn't mind the burn going down his throat, finding it almost refreshing, though he couldn't fathom how easily Ivan could drink the stuff constantly.
He raised an eyebrow as Ivan accused him of screaming. "I did not scream!"
[/color] Well, technically he hadn't. He'd let out a grunt as he attempted (quite successfully in his opinion) to hold back his scream. Hell, even if he did scream, it wasn't because he was scared. It was because the sudden movement surprised him, that was all! "But hey, I'll do two shots anyway, if that's really how you want to play."[/color] Given that he wanted to prove he could do better than Ivan, the more alcohol the better. He grinned as Ivan responded positively to his toast (a toast mentioning nuclear war, of all things...how quaint). Then he repeated his actions. He grabbed the bottle once more, filling up their shot glasses. The two nations were about to down their second shots, and they'd only just started watching their first movie. Not that Alfred minded. A couple of shots would barely have an effect on him. Holding up his shot once more (though closer to him, as he'd already toasted Russia once), he held the glass to his lips and tipped it back again. Two down, and how many more to go? [/blockquote][/blockquote][/SIZE][/font] ---------------------------------- TEMPLATE CREDIT: eliza @ shadowplay SONG: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx WORD COUNT: 476 TAG: Cal/Ivan NOTES: Oh hey look, another reference to nuclear war! ...and I actually looked up Russian vodka when I was typing this post. Just to let you know. XD [/color][/font] ---------------------------------- COMMUNICATE WITHOUT YOUR PARTY PIECE[/center][/blockquote]