The Grounds

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling Peek a boo I found you [Alfred/Mandee]
Warren Michael Pierce 47 1,200 by Alfred Franklin Jones
Oct 1, 2012 17:28:16 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling --- YOU'RE COMING AROUND
Jair Cecila Darling 11 288 by Damien Azra Lucifer
Sept 23, 2012 17:08:50 GMT -5


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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
The Grounds
The grounds surrounding the school. There are plenty of lawns to hang out on, a parking lot, a few sports fields to practice on, and even tennis courts! Basically,anything that happens outside of the school but still on school grounds goes here.
Board Statistics
Threads and Posts
Total Threads:2
Total Posts:60
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